Become a Consultant in October and get one add-on collection FREE!*
New Consultants who enroll for $99 with Close To My Heart between October 1-31, 2011, will receive one FREE* New Consultant Kit add-on collection!
Each of our three add-on collections is priced at $40 and has a retail value of $80-$130, so this is an incredible deal!
*Shipping/handling is free on add-on collections. Tax will be charged on the retail price of $40.
What's in the consultant kit? For just a $99 enrollment fee, you'll receive a New Consultant Kit packed with business essentials and new products valued at over $280, plus a FREE add-on collection to enhance your kit!
Roxie Add-on Collection:
Elemental Add-on Collection:
Studio J Add-on:
Or, choose the Sonoma kit: You will need to call CTMH to sign up when choosing the Sonoma kit.
For more consultant info, visit my website. I'd love to have you join the Inky Fingers Gang! Email me, if you have any questions at all! Why Be A CTMH Consultant?
The best thing about being a Close To My Heart consultant is that you can set up your business to fit your life. Here are a few examples of the ways consultants have set up their businesses:
- Hobbyists - Like getting scrapbooking, stamping and cardmaking products at a discount? Simply submit the minimum $300/quarter to maintain consultant status and receive the consultant discount of 22%.
- Club Leader - You organize a monthly get-together to teach a project. Club members agree to purchase at least $150 in product. Each month, you select a hostess who's eligible to receive hostess rewards and extra product. You rotate the hostess each month so that everyone can take advantage of hostess rewards. You can have as many clubs going per month as you like- a layout club, card club, Cricut club or Studio J club.
- Studio J Consultant - Not a paper scrapbooker? Maybe you'd like to set up a Studio J business based on CTMH's online scrapbooking software. Your customers would be those who are interested in making layouts fast, getting them professionally printed by CTMH, and having the option of sharing their layouts digitally with family and friends.
- Business Builder - As a business builder, you will hold workshops or gatherings on a regular basis and recruit others to become a part of your team. If you're interested in making additional income and leading a team, running a CTMH business is an excellent opportunity for you.
And, beginning in October, CTMH has a new and improved compensation plan that includes even more incentives and rewards for you!
Remember, this special does not start until 10/1.
Questions? Be sure to
email me!