Saturday, December 13, 2008

I spoke too soon! LOL!

No sooner had I finish posting about how lucky we were to have power,and it went out. LOL!! It's back on this am tho. Yea!! There are still about 100,000 or more in the area that do not have power and it's only about 10 degrees. I hope they're able to get the power on to the rest today. It stayed cold here all day yesterday, so it's still looking like a winter wonderland.

I spent the other evening putting up our tree. Normally I'm a bit obsessive about the tree and it takes me two days to do it. We have an artificial due to allergies, so it usually takes me a day to just shape the branches and get it up, then another day to decorate. But, I don't have time this year! So, this is the scaled back version less all the ribbons and's going to have to do.


ellepaulette said...

Lovely tree! I also scaled back on my decoration. 2 of my kids are under the age of 2 and they think they need to pull all the decorations off the tree for me!

Shannon Buck - said...

Beautiful Tree! It looks great! :)